Delivery from

Marias Pasta

Since 1985 Maria's pasta have been producing handmade pasta enjoyed by customers across Victoria. From fresh ravioli, to gnocchi and lasagne they're also known for their pasta sauces which are also produced in-house. All products follow traditional recipes made with superior ingredients. Marias Pasta is also the victorian distributor of Australia's most awarded ice cream Serendipity.
Address: 677 Nicholson Street, Carlton North

Specials (1)

Our Picks (19)

Poultry (2)

Deli (24)

Bakery (6)

Eggs & Dairy (8)

Pantry (48)

Wholefoods (2)

By shopping with YourGrocer, I'm saving so much time, get the freshest produce and make sure my local shops stay alive & well.
— Nadja, an Operations manager from Coburg
I love it! Fresh produce, no minimum spend at each store, minimal packaging and all boxes taken away for re-use/re-cycle.
— Darcie, a teacher from Reservoir
YourGrocer lets me enjoy market quality produce without the hassle. It fits perfectly into our week, and I know we have great food to eat!
— Jody, a mum from St Kilda

Have some questions?

When do you deliver?

We have 2 hour delivery windows in the afternoons and evening, up to 7 days a week. To see the available windows, click on the van icon next to the shopping cart.

When do I have to order by?

Orders close at midnight on the day of delivery.

Is there a minimum order?

The minimum order is just 60 dollars.

What happens if I'm not home?

We’ll leave it somewhere safe in a cooler bag.

How are cold items handled?

We will deliver the items still cold and always have eski bags and ice packs at hand if you're not home.

Who prepares the order?

The local shops you order from prepare your order. Our vans then pick up and deliver it all to you.

What happens if something is out of stock?

We let you know as soon as possible and look for a suitable replacement.

Have any other questions?

Check out our extended FAQS, drop us an email at or call us on 1300 851 343